
Spending days meaningfully!

Expressive Arts Day Program (Adults 18+)

Tuesdays - 10 am-3 pm 

A day designed to explore and tap into the creative and expressive soul — whether working up a sweat through physical fitness and dance, fostering emotional intelligence through mature conversations and art-based activities that explore the all encompassing intricacies of life through the lens of disability or exploring new and exciting opportunities within the community, our Adult Day Program is designed to foster meaningful relationships with likeminded individuals while spending the day purposefully and interactively, stimulating mind, body and soul.

Note: Morning (10:00am-12:00pm) and afternoon (1:00-3:00pm) drop-ins available in addition to full day program. Please email hello@bloomwell.ca to register for drop-in option.


10:00am-12:00pm - Social Game Warm-Up, Dance/Movement Class, Mindful Cool-Down12:00-1:00pm - Lunch + Social Time 1:00-3:00pm - Expressive Arts Book Club - Participants, together, will enjoy carefully selected book excerpts that spark enlightening conversation and further lead into related expressive arts-based activities and projects


Spring Session - Apr 9-June 25 (community outings May 14 and June 25)


Evergreen Community Spaces - 1709 8 Ave NE #2 (Spruce Studio)
Note: There will be two off-site community outings every session.

  • $360/12 Week Session - Morning Only or Afternoon Only
    (Drop-ins: $30.00)
  • $720/12 Week Session - Full Day
    (Drop-ins: $75)
What to Bring
    • Participants are invited to wear comfortable clothing that is easy to move in (ex: yoga or sweat pants and t-shirt or tank top). Bare feet or indoor shoes are welcome and ladies’ hair should be tied back in a pony tail or something similar. Mobility accessories or devices are always welcome.
    • Participants and support staff should bring a nut-free lunch and labelled water bottle each week
    • The facility has day use lockers available and participants/support staff are welcome to bring their own locks if desired. There are also coat racks and mats in the common areas outside the studios for placement of outdoor shoes and jackets.
Important Reminders
    • Participants are required to attend with their OWN support worker unless fully independent in the washroom, meal times and in following directions.


*Google Chrome supports our registration system best*



Outdoors and Around the Community!


Summer adventures carefully curated with “outside the box” creativity and an expressive arts twist to stimulate mind, body and soul while offering a feeling of belonging and happy summer vibes!


Ages 18+ | All Abilities
Tuesdays | 10am - 3pm
July 2 - August 27

Different community location every week - stay tuned for confirmed destinations!

All locations include accessible washroom facilities and sheltered areas for weather protection.
In the case of extreme weather conditions, families will be emailed with an alternative plan
*Participants MUST attend with their OWN support worker unless independent in the bathroom, mobility and following instructions
*Drop-Ins Welcome - $75/day
Click here to register for drop-ins.

*Google Chrome supports our registration system best*